Conscious Music Business™ Show

For the Rebel Musician-Entrepreneur™
TrendCulprit Music Marketing Music Business Mindset Picture
October 18, 2017 | Music Mindset
The Right Music Business Mindset

Many believe the reason we haven’t achieved our Music Career goals is because we haven’t done enough of the right things, or we are not wanting it enough, or we...

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TrendCulprit Music Marketing Audience List First Picture
October 11, 2017 | Music Marketing
Your Music Audience List First

Almost 10 months ago when I decided that it was time to grow my music marketing business, I had no idea about what to do, or how to do it....

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TrendCulprit Music Marketing Daily Music Marketing Tasks Picture
March 20, 2017 | Music Marketing
Daily Music Marketing Tasks

Planning on how to get your DIY Music Marketing tasks started or straight? Use this guide for five minutes each day to assist you in organizing your Music Marketing ideas...

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March 20, 2017 | Music Marketing
Music Showcase Timeline

Thinking about producing your own showcase event? Get your free Music Showcase Timeline for Bands and Performing Artists looking to plan their Music Presentation to Record Labels, Music Managers or...

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